Facing Frankenstein

Facing Frankenstein

28th April, 2024

You have created a Mental Monster that is more cunning, capable, and powerful than any of your physical opponents. It is your worst enemy and fiercest rival in sport.

  • Do you sabotage your own performances and success?
  • Are you in a constant battle with your mind?
  • Do you ever wonder why your mind turns against you?
  • Has competing become a fear-fest when it used to be fun and exciting?

Guided by the Mental Monster Model, Facing Frankenstein is a one-stop superstore of information and instruction for sportspeople who long for an effective solution to the universal problem:

How can I get out of my own way and perform like I know I can?

With its combination of unique insights, real-life examples, and a no-nonsense training system that works, you will:

  • Discover why and how your mind goes rogue and sabotages your performances.
  • Find out the real reason why a strong mental game is a must-have and that it has much less to do with sport than you'd think.
  • Come face-to-face with your mental monster and discover its kryptonite.
  • Understand mental toughness and learn how to develop it properly.
  • Find numerous examples of sportspeople who have won the internal war, kicked their sabotaging ways to the kerb, and flourished.
  • Be able to assess your mental game as it is right now.
  • Have access to the Six Pathways to Mental Toughness programme, a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to an inner game with substance. One that squeezes the monster out of existence.
  • Learn how to regain control over your inner world and train and compete with increased self-belief, determination, resilience, composure, focus, and excellence.

The knowledge, understanding, and instruction in this book have helped the athletes I've worked with perform at their very best, time and again. Indeed, many have gone on to break records and thrive at national, international, and world levels.